Pediatric Chiropractic Care in Plymouth
Experience Healthy Kids Right From The Start

Gentle, effective pediatric chiropractic care
Children are being diagnosed with disorders such as ADHD, anxiety and sensory processing disorders at an alarming rate. These issues are neurodevelopmental differences, meaning they relate to the nervous system and oftentimes can start right at birth.
Due to the unfortunate problems caused by increased C-section rates, poor infant health and higher mortality rates, our team believes that every child should have their nervous system checked as soon as possible to ensure they are getting a healthy start to life.
At Experience Wellness Chiropractic we want to encourage and support healthy kids from day one! This is why we are so passionate about working with kids!
Experience our Gentle & Safe Technique
When it comes to adjusting children we want to make sure that our pediatric patients, as well as their parents, are comfortable with the care they receive. Our scans are non-invasive and completely painless. Our adjustments use a very low force, specifically targeted to your child’s nervous system – there is no twisting, cracking, turning or popping involved.
We always take the time to explain everything we’re doing. We explain what the scan is checking, what we’re looking for in our exam, and exactly how we’ll be caring for each patient. When kids understand their care, there’s no fear and no hesitation. Our patients love to be adjusted!
Learn How We Can Help
Chiropractic can be effective in reducing symptoms and promoting wellness for a variety of common childhood complaints. Some conditions for which chiropractic is very effective include: